If you have a unix process running then this script can be used to send an email when it is done.
First find th epid of the process
(while kill -0 ; do sleep 1; done) && (echo 'Process
Finished now' | mail -s 'job done' Email@recipient.com)
Stuff I think I should write down so I don't forget it....
SELECT 'jonny', NULL
FROM dual -- Not Oracle? No need for dual, drop that line
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL -- canonical way, but you can select
-- anything as EXISTS only checks existence
FROM table
WHERE name = 'jonny'
Note its possible to have multiple conditions, e.g.g if table3 also has expected data
SELECT HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL, 1, (select id from table2 where account='052BAFJJ8'), (select id from table3 where name='ABCDE'), 1, 0 FROM dual
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM table WHERE account_id = (select id from table2 where account='052BAFJJ8'))
and EXISTS (SELECT id FROM table3 where name='ABCDE');
Note, there may be race conditions with this approach. In our case we were running it in liquibase scripts, and we didn't have multiple servers running in parallel so this wasn't an issue